Call for Nominations for Awards
The DLC Awards Committee has decided to establish two awards: The Life-Time Achievement Award and the Early Career Award. Nominations are now invited for the two 2013 Awards.
The Life-time Achievement Award recognizes an individual who has a record of sustained and outstanding contributions to scholarly knowledge on developmental and life-course criminology.
The Early Career Award recognizes an individual (within 4 years after receiving the Ph.D. degree or a similar graduate degree) who has made a significant contribution to scholarly knowledge on developmental and life-course criminology in their early career.
Developmental and life-course criminology includes criminal career research. Nominees do not need to be DLC members. Nominators should submit an email specifying the contributions of the nominee to developmental and life-course criminology plus a vita of the nominee.
Send materials to David P. Farrington (, Chair of the DLC Awards Committee, by May 31, 2013.
Recipients will receive their awards at the ASC meeting in November in Atlanta